Where We Work

BBI Modeling Global Unity

The United States

BBI International has 18 years of providing emergency preparedness and natural disaster relief, including during the COVID-19 pandemic, we provided thousands of families with disaster relief, medical supplies and services, food supplies, and humanitarian support to those in need. Why? Because sometimes its those closet to home that are hurting and need support.

The United States


With continued experience offering educational services to the disenfranchised and youth groups, BBI International has seven years of grassroots humanitarian work throughout Mauritania and West Africa at large. With programs providing access to health services, job training and workforce placement. This Time For Africa!


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News & Stories

The work we do, your donation impact, and the needs out there

October 15, 2022
Youth Empowerment & Leadership

BBI Louisiana Project New Direction for Youth Empowerment and Leadership. This is a holistic program that prepares youth for leadership & addresses unhealthy behaviors in at-risk youth and provides them opportunities to learn skills and gain experiences that contribute to more positive lifestyles.

September 13, 2022
Understanding FEMA

BBI International First Responder Program assists families during devastating times to help people understand the process of FEMA and finalize their paperwork to be granted temporary housing such as Trailor Homes.

April 23, 2022
Passing On the Entrepreneurial Spirit

Director of Vocational Training Minerva Hernandez training women in premiere Cosmetology so that they may become Entrepreneurs themselves! BBI Building International Bridges!

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